TCM is a holistic system of primary health care that is based on a theoretical framework developed over thousands of years. It is an ancient practice which has stood the test of time and maintained a place in contemporary health care.

Traditional Chinese medicine aims to restore balance and harmony to the body. It provides effective treatment for a wide range of acute and chronic disorders but places just as much emphasis on regulating and strengthening the underlying constitution.


The origins of Acupuncture can be traced back over 2,000 years, making it one of the oldest health care systems. Today, acupuncture is used by millions of people around the world.

What is Qi (pronounced ‘chee’) and how does it affect the body?

When Qi (or life energy) is abundant and circulates freely through the body, there is health and a sense of well-being. If the Qi becomes deficient or blocked, the body fails to maintain harmonious balance and disease may follow. This can result from stress, overwork, poor diet, pathogens, environmental conditions and other lifestyle factors.

In Chinese medicine we focus on the underlying condition as well as the presenting symptoms.

Acupuncture treatment involves the insertion of fine, sterile, disposable needles into specific sites (acupuncture points) along the body’s energy pathways (meridians) to clear energy blockages and encourage the normal flow of energy, or Qi, through the body. Moxa and cupping are often used in conjunction with needling.

What are the benefits of Acupuncture?

  • Drug-free pain relief
  • Can be effective in the treatment of acute and chronic ailments as shown in research studies which have been collated in the Acupuncture Evidence Project.
  • Takes an holistic approach by addressing the underlying cause of the condition, as well as the symptoms. The approach links body, mind and emotions.
  • Assists in the prevention against disease and the maintenance of general well-being


The origins of Chinese herbal medicine can be traced back at least 5,000 years. Chinese herbal medicine takes a natural and holistic approach to healthcare and is trusted by people from a wide range of cultural and social backgrounds.

A qualified practitioner will prescribe a Chinese herbal formula specifically formulated for a patient’s condition. The formula will be adjusted and modified during recovery until the desired health outcome is achieved.

What substances are used in Chinese herbal medicine?

Chinese herbal medicine involves the use of substances from nature to regulate and normalise body function. Traditionally these are simmered and the resulting liquid (decoction) taken. These substances are also available as granules and pills.

Some substances that were used traditionally are no longer part of modern professional Chinese herbal medicine practice. For example, traditional remedies with extracts of endangered species have been replaced by other substances with similar actions. We strongly support and adhere to the CITES list of endangered species.

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